Elements defined


publisherRole is used to identify the role played by the specific publisher or publishing entity identified in the companion descriptor publisher. The PBCore schema allows for publisherRole to be repeated in the pbcorePublisher container element. This can be useful when a single person or organization is associated with multiple roles in an asset.

Usage: optional, repeatable


  • source: optional | The source attribute provides the name of the authority used to declare the value of the element. Required attribute for pbcoreIdentifier and instantiationIdentifier elements. Can be used as an attribute of any element.
  • ref: optional | The ref attribute is used to supply a source’s URI for the value of the element. Can be used as an attribute of any element.
  • version: optional | The version attribute identifies any version information about the authority or convention used to express data of this element. Can be used as an attribute of any element.
  • annotation: optional | The annotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the element. Can be used as an attribute of any element.


This element does not have any subelements.

Controlled Vocabularies


<publisher>WGBH Educational Foundation</publisher>
<publisherRole>Copyright Holder</publisherRole>
<publisher>Public Broadcasting Service</publisher>