Elements defined


instantiationRights is a container for sub-elements rightsSummary, rightsLink and rightsEmbedded to describe rights particular to this instantiation.

Best Practice: This element contains rights information that is specific to an instantiation of an asset, such as rights conferred in a donation agreement that apply only to a single donated item.

Usage: optional, repeatable


  • startTime: optional | The startTime attribute combines with the endTime attribute to define a specific media segment within a broader timeline of an asset and/or instantiation. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, coverage, creator, instantiationRights, pbcoreDescription, pbcoreGenre, pbcoreInstantiation, pbcoreInstantiationDocument, pbcorePart, pbcoreRightsSummary, pbcoreSubject, pbcoreTitle, publisher.
  • endTime: optional | The endTime attribute combines with a similar value in the startTime attribute to define a specific media segment within a broader timeline of an asset and/or instantiation. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, coverage, creator, instantiationRights, pbcoreDescription, pbcoreGenre, pbcoreInstantiation, pbcoreInstantiationDocument, pbcorePart, pbcoreRightsSummary, pbcoreSubject, pbcoreTitle, publisher.
  • timeAnnotation: optional | The timeAnnotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the element. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, coverage, creator, instantiationRights, pbcoreDescription, pbcoreGenre, pbcoreInstantiation, pbcoreInstantiationDocument, pbcorePart, pbcoreRightsSummary, pbcoreSubject, pbcoreTitle, publisher.


  • rightsSummary: optional | rightsSummary is used as a general free-text element to identify information about copyrights and property rights held in and over an asset or instantiation, whether they are open access or restricted in some way. If dates, times and availability periods are associated with a right, include them. End user permissions, constraints and obligations may also be identified as needed.
  • rightsLink: optional | rightsLink is a URI pointing to a declaration of rights.
  • rightsEmbedded: optional | rightsEmbedded allows the inclusion of xml from another rights standard, e.g. ODRL, METS, etc. The included XML then defines the rights for the PBCore asset and/or PBCore instantiation.


    <instantiationRights startTime="00:00:10" endTime="00:10:00">
<!-- No data here directly; it's within sub-elements instead -->
<rightsSummary>Donation agreement provides rights to give access to users on premises</rightsSummary>