Elements defined


pbcoreCollection groups multiple pbcoreDescriptionDocument XML into one container element to allow for a serialized output. Uses might include API returns or other web service output.

Best Practice: This element is not intended to be equivalent to the archive/library concept of a ‘collection.’ Please see pbcoreAssetType for information on how PBCore can be used to express information about collections. The element is only applicable to XML expressions of PBCore. This container enables a similar function to RSS; pbcoreCollection would be similar to rss:channel and pbcoreDescription document to rss:item.

Usage: not repeatable


  • xmlns: required | The xmlns attribute is used to define a so-called namespace for the prefix, which is required when using prefixes in XML. The namespace is defined by the xmlns attribute in the start tag of an element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescriptionDocument element.
  • xsi: required | The xsi attribute specifies the XML Schema Instance namespace, and should always be entered as the specific value “http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescriptionDocument element.
  • schemaLocation: required | The schema location attribute has two values, separated by a space. The first value is the namespace to use. The second value is the location of the XML schema to use for that namespace. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescriptionDocument element.
  • collectionTitle: optional | The collectionTitle attribute is a title or label for the group of individual serialized XML records contained within one pbcoreCollection element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreCollection element.
  • collectionDescription: optional | The collectionDescription attribute is a description group of individual serialized XML records contained within one pbcoreCollection element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreCollection element.
  • collectionSource: optional | The collectionSource attribute indicates a source organization, application, or individual for group of individual XML records contained within a pbcoreCollection element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreCollection element.
  • collectionRef: optional | The collectionRef attribute provides a URL for the source organization, application, or individual for a group of XML records contained within a pbcoreCollection element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreCollection element.
  • collectionDate: optional | The collectionDate attribute provides the date of creation for a pbcoreCollection XML document. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreCollection element.


  • pbcoreDescriptionDocument: required | pbcoreDescriptionDocument is a root XML element for the expression of an individual PBCore record. pbcoreDescriptionDocument can be used to express intellectual content only (e.g. a series or collection level record with no associated instantiations), or intellectual content with one or more instantiations (e.g. an episode of a program with copies/instantiations on videotape and digital file). This element is only applicable to XML expressions of PBCore. pbcoreDescriptionDocument can only be contained by pbcoreCollection.


    <pbcoreCollection xmlns="http://pbcore.org/PBCore/PBCoreNamespace.html"
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://pbcore.org/PBCore/PBCoreNamespace.html http://pbcore.org/xsd/pbcore-2.0.xsd">
<pbcoreIdentifier source="NOLA Code">AMEX000102</pbcoreIdentifier>
<pbcoreTitle titleType="Full">American Experience: Radio Bikini</pbcoreTitle>
<pbcoreDescription>In July 1946, the U.S. Navy staged "Operation Crossroads"--two highly publicized atomic bomb tests at a Pacific Island called Bikini. This film is the story of those tests and their effect not only on the thousands of Naval personnel and spectators who watched, but also on the Bikinians whose homes was rendered uninhabitable by contamination, even now, 40 years later.</pbcoreDescription>
<pbcoreIdentifier source="NOLA Code">AMEX000103</pbcoreIdentifier>
<pbcoreTitle titleType="Full">American Experience: Hoover Dam</pbcoreTitle>
<pbcoreDescription>Rising more than 700 feet above the raging waters of the Colorado River, it was called one of the greatest engineering works in history. Hoover Dam, built during the Great Depression, drew men desperate for work to a remote and rugged canyon near Las Vegas. There they struggled against brutal heat, choking dust and perilous heights to build a colossus of concrete that brought electricity and water to millions, transforming the American Southwest. Peter Coyote narrates.</pbcoreDescription>
<pbcoreIdentifier source="NOLA Code">AMEX000104</pbcoreIdentifier>
<pbcoreTitle titleType="Full">American Experience: Alone on the Ice</pbcoreTitle>
<pbcoreDescription>In June 1934, Richard Byrd lay alone in a small hut below the polar ice, hovering near death. No one before Byrd had ever experienced winter in the interior of the Antarctic. In an age of heroes, he was one of America's greatest. An explorer, aviation pioneer and scientist, Byrd was also an egotist, risk-taker, heavy drinker -- and, his critics claim, a fraud who took credit for the accomplishments of others.</pbcoreDescription>