Elements defined


pbcoreContributor is a container for sub-elements contributor and contributorRole.

Usage: optional, repeatable


This element cannot have any attributes.


  • contributor: required | contributor identifies a person, people, or organization that has made substantial creative contributions to the asset. This contribution is considered to be secondary to the primary author(s) (person or organization) identified in the descriptor creator.
  • contributorRole: optional | contributorRole is used to identify the role played by the person, people or organizations identified in the companion element contributor. The PBCore schema allows for contributorRole to be repeated in the pbcoreContributor container element. This can be useful when a single person or organization is associated with multiple roles in an asset.


<!-- No data here directly; it's within sub-elements instead -->
<contributor>Lisa Quijano Wolfinger</contributor>
<contributor>Yo-Yo Ma</contributor>
<contributorRole source="PBCore contributorRole" ref="http://metadataregistry.org/conceptprop/list/concept_id/1330.html">Instrumentalist</contributorRole>