Elements defined


instantiationDigital is used to identify the format of a particular instantiation of an asset as it exists as a digital file on a server, hard drive, or other digital storage medium. Digital instantiations should be expressed as a formal Internet MIME types.

Best Practice: InstantiationDigital should only be used to describe the MIME type of the digital file itself. There are multiple options to convey more information about the storage medium or location of the digital file, which are discussed in more detail on the PBCore site.

Usage: optional, not repeatable


  • source: optional | The source attribute provides the name of the authority used to declare the value of the element. Required attribute for pbcoreIdentifier and instantiationIdentifier elements. Can be used as an attribute of any element.
  • ref: optional | The ref attribute is used to supply a source’s URI for the value of the element. Can be used as an attribute of any element.
  • version: optional | The version attribute identifies any version information about the authority or convention used to express data of this element. Can be used as an attribute of any element.
  • annotation: optional | The annotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the element. Can be used as an attribute of any element.


This element does not have any subelements.

Controlled Vocabularies


    <instantiationDigital source="IANA MIME Media types" ref="http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/video/">H264</instantiationDigital>
    <instantiationDigital source="IANA MIME Media types">vnd.dolby.mlp</instantiationDigital>
    <instantiationDigital annotation="Flash Animation, .fla">application/octet-stream</instantiationDigital>