Elements defined


instantiationLanguage identifies the primary language of the tracks’ audio or text. Languages must be indicated using 3-letter codes standardized in ISO 639-2 or 639-3. If an instantiation includes more than one language, the element can be repeated. Alternately, both languages can be expressed in one element by separating two three-letter codes with a semicolon, i.e. eng;fre.

Best Practice: Alternative audio or text tracks and their associated languages should be identified using the element instantiationAlternativeModes.

Usage: optional, repeatable


  • source: optional | The source attribute provides the name of the authority used to declare the value of the element. Required attribute for pbcoreIdentifier and instantiationIdentifier elements. Can be used as an attribute of any element.
  • ref: optional | The ref attribute is used to supply a source’s URI for the value of the element. Can be used as an attribute of any element.
  • version: optional | The version attribute identifies any version information about the authority or convention used to express data of this element. Can be used as an attribute of any element.
  • annotation: optional | The annotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the element. Can be used as an attribute of any element.


This element does not have any subelements.

Controlled Vocabularies


    <!-- Multiple language codes in one element value separated by a semicolon. Not recommended, but valid. -->
<instantiationLanguage source="ISO 639.2" ref="http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php">
    <!-- Individual language codes (with ref to code URI) for each language. Recommended. -->
    <instantiationLanguage source="IS0 639.2" ref="http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng">eng</instantiationLanguage>
    <instantiationLanguage source="ISO 639.2" ref="http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/fra">fra</instantiationLanguage>