Attributes Defined

  • affiliation:

    The affiliation attribute is used to indicate the organization with which an agent is associated or affiliated. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, creator, publisher.

  • affiliationAnnotation:

    The affiliationAnnotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the attribute affiliation. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, creator, publisher.

    Best Practice: This attribute can be used as a notes field to include any additional information about the element or associated attributes.

  • affiliationRef:

    The affiliationRef attribute is used supply a source’s URI for the value of the attribute affiliation. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, creator, publisher.

    Best Practice: Attribute affiliationRef can be used to point to a term in a controlled vocabulary, or a URI associated with a source.

  • affiliationSource:

    The affiliationSource attribute provides the name of the authority used to declare the value of the attribute affiliation. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, creator, publisher.

    Best Practice: This might be the name of a controlled vocabulary, namespace or authority list, such as the official PBCore recommended vocabulary.

  • affiliationVersion:

    The affiliationVersion attribute identifies any version information about the authority or convention used to express data of the attribute affiliation. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, creator, publisher.

  • annotation:

    The annotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the element. Can be used as an attribute of any element.

    Best Practice: This attribute can be used as a notes field to include any additional information about the element or associated attributes.

  • annotationType:

    The annotationType attribute is used to indicate the type of annotation being assigned to the asset, such as a comment, clarification, or cataloging note. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - essenceTrackAnnotation, instantiationAnnotation, pbcoreAnnotation.

  • collectionDate:

    The collectionDate attribute provides the date of creation for a pbcoreCollection XML document. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreCollection element.

  • collectionDescription:

    The collectionDescription attribute is a description group of individual serialized XML records contained within one pbcoreCollection element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreCollection element.

  • collectionRef:

    The collectionRef attribute provides a URL for the source organization, application, or individual for a group of XML records contained within a pbcoreCollection element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreCollection element.

    Best Practice: Attribute collectionRef can be used to point to a term in a controlled vocabulary, or a URI associated with a source.

  • collectionSource:

    The collectionSource attribute indicates a source organization, application, or individual for group of individual XML records contained within a pbcoreCollection element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreCollection element.

    Best Practice: This might be the name of a controlled vocabulary, namespace or authority list, such as the official PBCore recommended vocabulary.

  • collectionTitle:

    The collectionTitle attribute is a title or label for the group of individual serialized XML records contained within one pbcoreCollection element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreCollection element.

  • dateType:

    The dateType attribute classifies by named type the date-related data of the element e.g., created, broadcast, dateAvailableStart. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - pbcoreAssetDate, instantiationDate.

    Best Practice: Used to clarify how the date is related to the asset or instantiation. Date Created may be the most common, but the element could also be used to describe the Date Accessioned or Date Deaccessioned, for example.

  • descriptionType:

    The descriptionType attribute is used to indicate the type of description being assigned to the element, such as ‘abstract,’ ‘summary,’ or ‘physical description.’ Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescription element.

  • descriptionTypeAnnotation:

    The descriptionTypeAnnotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescription element.

    Best Practice: This attribute can be used as a notes field to include any additional information about the element or associated attributes.

  • descriptionTypeRef:

    The descriptionTypeRef attribute is used to supply a source’s URI for the value of the attribute descriptionType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescription element.

    Best Practice: Attribute descriptionTypeRef can be used to point to a term in a controlled vocabulary, or a URI associated with a source.

  • descriptionTypeSource:

    The descriptionTypeSource attribute provides the name of the authority used to declare data value of the attribute descriptionType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescription element.

    Best Practice: This might be the name of a controlled vocabulary, namespace or authority list, such as the official PBCore recommended vocabulary.

  • descriptionTypeVersion:

    The descriptionTypeVersion attribute identifies any version information about the authority or convention used to express data of the attribute descriptionType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescription element.

  • endTime:

    The endTime attribute combines with a similar value in the startTime attribute to define a specific media segment within a broader timeline of an asset and/or instantiation. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, coverage, creator, instantiationRights, pbcoreDescription, pbcoreGenre, pbcoreInstantiation, pbcoreInstantiationDocument, pbcorePart, pbcoreRightsSummary, pbcoreSubject, pbcoreTitle, publisher.

  • partType:

    The partType attribute is used to indicate the nature of the part into which the asset has been divided. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcorePart element.

  • partTypeAnnotation:

    The partTypeAnnotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the attribute partType. an be used as an attribute of the pbcorePart element.

    Best Practice: This attribute can be used as a notes field to include any additional information about the element or associated attributes.

  • partTypeRef:

    The partTypeRef attribute is used to supply a source’s URI for the value of the attribute partType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcorePart element.

    Best Practice: Attribute partTypeRef can be used to point to a term in a controlled vocabulary, or a URI associated with a source.

  • partTypeSource:

    The partTypeVersion attribute is used to identify any version information about the authority or convention used to express data of the attribute partType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcorePart element.

  • portrayal:

    The portrayal attribute identifies any roles or characters performed by a contributor. Can be used as an attribute of the contributorRole element.

  • profile:

    The profile attribute is used to further quantify the profile of the container format (e.g. Op1a). Can be used as a notes field to include any additional information about the element or associated attributes.

  • ref:

    The ref attribute is used to supply a source’s URI for the value of the element. Can be used as an attribute of any element.

    Best Practice: Attribute ref can be used to point to a term in a controlled vocabulary, or a URI associated with a source.

  • schemaLocation:

    The schema location attribute has two values, separated by a space. The first value is the namespace to use. The second value is the location of the XML schema to use for that namespace. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescriptionDocument element.

  • segmentType:

    The segmentType attribute is used to define the type of content contained in a segment. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescription element.

  • segmentTypeAnnotation:

    The segmentTypeAnnotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the attribute segmentType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescription element.

    Best Practice: This attribute can be used as a notes field to include any additional information about the element or associated attributes.

  • segmentTypeRef:

    The segmentTypeRef attribute is used to supply a source’s URI for the value of the attribute segmentType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescription element.

    Best Practice: Attribute segmentTypeRef can be used to point to a term in a controlled vocabulary, or a URI associated with a source.

  • segmentTypeSource:

    The segmentTypeSource attribute provides the name of the authority used to declare data value of the attribute segmentType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescription element.

    Best Practice: This might be the name of a controlled vocabulary, namespace or authority list, such as the official PBCore recommended vocabulary.

  • segmentTypeVersion:

    The segmentTypeVersion attribute identifies any version information about the authority or convention used to express data of the attribute segmentType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescription element.

  • source:

    The source attribute provides the name of the authority used to declare the value of the element. Required attribute for pbcoreIdentifier and instantiationIdentifier elements. Can be used as an attribute of any element.

    Best Practice: Different elements will use the source attribute slightly differently. For example, identifier source (required) should be the name of the organization, institution, system or namespace that the identifier came from, such as “PBS NOLA Code” or an institutional database identifier. For other elements, this might be the name of a controlled vocabulary, namespace or authority list, such as Library of Congress Subject Headings. We recommend a consistent and human readable use.

  • startTime:

    The startTime attribute combines with the endTime attribute to define a specific media segment within a broader timeline of an asset and/or instantiation. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, coverage, creator, instantiationRights, pbcoreDescription, pbcoreGenre, pbcoreInstantiation, pbcoreInstantiationDocument, pbcorePart, pbcoreRightsSummary, pbcoreSubject, pbcoreTitle, publisher.

    Best Practice: This is a free text attribute and can be applied at the asset or instantiation level. When used at the asset level, it may be used to talk generally about the start/end time of a segment (e.g. “30 minutes”), or by providing a timestamp to a specific point in an instantiation. If you’re doing that for element at the asset level, we suggest referencing the instantiation ID you are referring to in timeAnnotation. One example would be if a six-hour long tape was broken into multiple programs, and each instantiation might have its start time labeled as when the instantiation began in the timeline of the broader tape. Another example for this usage might be a digital file created from a VHS tape that contains multiple segments. In the digital copy, color bars are removed from the beginning, and black from the end of the digital instantiation. Time references referring to the segments on the physical VHS are no longer relevant; therefore it’s important to tie start and end time references to a specific instantiation, e.g. use the asset ID and timestamp.

  • subjectType:

    The subjectType attribute is used to indicate the type of subject being assigned to the element, such as ‘topic,’ ‘personal name’ or ‘keyword.’ Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreSubject element.

  • subjectTypeAnnotation:

    The subjectTypeAnnotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the attribute subjectType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreSubject element.

    Best Practice: This attribute can be used as a notes field to include any additional information about the element or associated attributes.

  • subjectTypeRef:

    The subjectTypeRef attribute is used to supply a source’s URI for the value of the attribute subjectType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreSubject element.

    Best Practice: Attribute subjectTypeRef can be used to point to a term in a controlled vocabulary, or a URI associated with a source.

  • subjectTypeSource:

    The subjectTypeSource attribute provides the name of the authority used to declare the value of the attribute subjectType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreSubject element.

    Best Practice: This might be the name of a controlled vocabulary, namespace or authority list, such as the official PBCore recommended vocabulary.

  • subjectTypeVersion:

    The subjectTypeVersion attribute identifies any version information about the authority or convention used to express data of the attribute subjectType. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreSubject element.

  • timeAnnotation:

    The timeAnnotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the element. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - contributor, coverage, creator, instantiationRights, pbcoreDescription, pbcoreGenre, pbcoreInstantiation, pbcoreInstantiationDocument, pbcorePart, pbcoreRightsSummary, pbcoreSubject, pbcoreTitle, publisher.

  • titleType:

    The titleType attribute is used to indicate the type of title being assigned to the asset, such as series title, episode title or project title. Has a PBCore controlled vocabulary (recommended). Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreTitle element.

  • titleTypeAnnotation:

    The titleTypeAnnotation attribute includes narrative information intended to clarify the nature of data used in the element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreTitle element.

    Best Practice: This attribute can be used as a notes field to include any additional information about the element or associated attributes.

  • titleTypeRef:

    The titleTypeRef attribute is used to supply a source’s URI for the value of the attribute titleTypeSource. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreTitle element.

    Best Practice: Attribute titleTypeRef can be used to point to a term in a controlled vocabulary, or a URI associated with a source.

  • titleTypeSource:

    The titleTypeSource attribute provides the name of the authority used to declare data value of the titleType attribute. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreTitle element.

    Best Practice: This might be the name of a controlled vocabulary, namespace or authority list, such as the official PBCore recommended vocabulary.

  • titleTypeVersion:

    The titleTypeVersion attribute identifies any version information about the authority or convention used to express data of this element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreTitle element.

  • unitsOfMeasure:

    The unitsOfMeasure attribute defines the unit used in the containing element, e.g. pixels, GB, Mb/s, ips, fps, kHz, inches, lines, dpi. Can be used as an attribute of the following elements - essenceTrackAspectRatio, essenceTrackBitDepth, essenceTrackDataRate, essenceTrackFrameRate, essenceTrackFrameSize, essenceTrackPlaybackSpeed, essenceTrackSamplingRate, instantiationDataRate, instantiationDimensions, instantiationFileSize.

    Best Practice: We recommend standardizing the notation that is most widely recognized in your institution and using with consistency.

  • version:

    The version attribute identifies any version information about the authority or convention used to express data of this element. Can be used as an attribute of any element.

  • xmlns:

    The xmlns attribute is used to define a so-called namespace for the prefix, which is required when using prefixes in XML. The namespace is defined by the xmlns attribute in the start tag of an element. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescriptionDocument element.

  • xsi:

    The xsi attribute specifies the XML Schema Instance namespace, and should always be entered as the specific value “”. Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescriptionDocument element.