PBCore Cataloging Tool

The PBCore Cataloging Tool is designed to support the creation, editing, and export of moving image-related inventory metadata as PBCore XML records. With a user-friendly data entry interface and full support of all PBCore elements and attributes, the tool makes creating valid PBCore XML documents as easy as filling out a spreadsheet.

The PBCore Cataloging Tool is designed to be used in conjunction with the PBCore Spreadsheet Templates, and can import and export metadata in the full PBCore Spreadsheet Template format.*

Download complete user documentation

Advanced Features

  • Ability to batch add metadata across multiple records
  • Ability to save and fill out template records that include all desired element and attribute
  • Ability to conduct search queries on all PBCore records within designated folders

* Please note that the Cataloging Tool currently will only work with the full PBCore Spreadsheet Template and not the abbreviated version or instantiation-only version.

The PBCore Cataloging Tool is an open-source tool written in Java. We welcome contributions, suggestions, and review! Code available here: https://github.com/WGBH/PBCore-Cataloging-Tool