@dateType Vocabulary

Usage: for @dateType as an attribute on pbcoreAssetDate or instantiationDate


  • accepted:
    Date of acceptance of an asset or instantiation.
  • available:
    Date (often a range) that the asset or instantiation became or will become available.
  • available end:
    Date that the asset or instantiation became or will become unavailable.
  • available start:
    Date that the asset or instantiation became or will become available.
  • broadcast:
    Date the asset or instantiation was broadcast.
  • captured:
    Date that the asset or instantiation was digitized or a subsequent snapshot was taken.
  • created:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation was created.
  • Date associated with a claim of protection under copyright or a similar regime for the asset or instantiation.
  • deletion:
    Date an asset or instantiation was deleted.
  • digitized:
    Date an asset or instantiation was digitized.
  • distributed:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation was distributed or released.
  • dubbed:
    Date an asset or instantiation was dubbed.
  • edited:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation was edited.
  • encoded:
    Date an asset or instantiation was encoded.
  • encrypted:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation was encrypted.
  • event:
    Date, time or period of an event related to an asset or instantiation.
  • ingested:
    Date an asset or instantiation was added to a preservation repository. This is a PREMIS event suggestion.
  • issued:
    Date of formal issuance (e.g. publication) of an asset or instantiation.
  • licensed:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation was licensed.
  • mastered:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation’s final master was created.
  • migrated:
    Date an asset or instantiation was migrated to a new format. This is a PREMIS event suggestion.
  • mixed:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation’s final mix was created.
  • modified:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation was last changed.
  • normalized:
    Date an asset or instantiation was normalized to a preservation standard. This is a PREMIS event suggestion.
  • performed:
    Date on which the intellectual content of an asset was performed live.
  • podcast:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation was webcast.
  • published:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation was published.
  • released:
    The official release date of an asset or instantiation.
  • restored:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation was restored.
  • revised:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation was revised.
  • transferred:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation was transferred from one location to another.
  • valid:
    A date during which the content of an asset or instantiation is valid.
  • validated:
    Date an asset or instantiation was confirmed to comply with documented information about the instantiation. This is a PREMIS event suggestion.
  • webcast:
    Date on which the asset or instantiation was webcast.

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